Acerbus Amor

About Me

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I have have written various different styles of poems over the years just as a means of relaxation or and outlet of sorts. Most of these Poems have been thrown away, deleted or simply written and sent off into cyberspace never to be seen again. After a lot of consideration and some encouragement by those close to me, I am now cataloging all my latest Poems on this blog. I am also moving the Poems to and My goal here is to begin to capture my work for others to enjoy and perhaps for me to compile into a book some day.. For now, I hope you enjoy the Poems as they come, feel free to 0ntact me anytime if you have any questions or would like to link to my site. Please respect all copy write privileges. Any and all comments are welcome and greatly appreciated. It's great to see what others feel when they read the Poems and how they may interpret them. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This is fir me lady in Black, Give me yur sword and ration pack
I could use me a cabin wench to help around the ship
Swab the deck ye scalawag and sharpen up the tip
Of me peg leg, oh yes the end is made of steel
If ye make it good and sharp ye can test it by the feel

Harken to to the signal blowing horns across the way
Better be that ship is mine if you wish to live another day
Jump the mast from ship to deck and strike with deadly force.
Take them down me hearties, strike without remorse.
Stroll across the deck with me parrot shouting orders
Kill the crew and take the ship I want the captains quarters!
Gut the little bastards before they cut N run
Take that damn ship so we can drink and call it done.

Come my dear ye scalawag yur a scalawag no more
Now to be me cabin wench and not a pirate whore
Soon ye shall have control, a ship thats all yur own
A Parrot on ye shoulder too tossin them a bone
The swashbucklers on the deck followin yur commands
Live or die or walk the plank their fate is in yur hands!

Take ye crew across the seas we'll meet on Birds Eye mountain.
The islands south of the outer rim in pirates cove & fountain.
Not to be seen on any map but You know the time it saves
Meet me there u know the way, follow Grey Beard's waves.
Now is time that we must sail on our separate seas
Sail away my lady pirate and bring them to their knees!

- Acerbus Amor

Location:Cleveland, Ohio

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