deeper and deeper I walk and wander and wonder at what I may find
The forest beauty and creatures scuttle in amongst the sycamore trees
my heart has nearly stopped as I look about and kneel on my shaking knees
An owl on a branch twisting its head, the little squirels thier tails all red
the deer slowly pacing past my way, the chipmunks in the leaves at play
All the gifts we have been given and never seen by the way we are living
if we dont slow down and take time to see, we can say fairwell to the sycamore trees
so much for the owl his feathers mangled, the poor little squirels thier tails all tangled
in the murkey garbage and tainted lands, these are the gifts given by man
The meaning of life forever gone, each to become society’s pawn
If every man and woman on earth took time in nature’s space
the things we do and they way we live would make our home a better place
- Acerbus Amor
Location:Cleveland, Ohio
Very Nice poem. YOu are so right. We need to keep our lands and wild life safe.!!! And us too.